
Privacy Policy

BeijingTrip Respects Your Privacy

The policy below is applicable to www.BeijingTrip.com and all its affiliate websites.

BeijingTrip.com is committed to protecting your privacy and pledges to earn your trust. Any information you give us will be devoted solely to the enhancement your travel.

All personal information you give us remains confidential. We will neither sell nor disclose any information that identifies you to a third party without your prior consent unless required by law.

Your Personal Information

BeijingTrip.com does not collect any personal information about you other than that you specifically provide. For example, should you use our site and provide us with material or copy by means of the community, travelogues or volunteer suggestions, we may obtain information such as your e-mail or home address (if provided). This is intended to enable us to take all necessary precautions to ensure the integrity of anything you may submit to us. All your data will be stored in our secure databases. Access to that information is strictly controlled and limited to certain individuals within BeijingTrip.

Please remember that information you post to community columns, such as Community, travel review, photo album, and member's home pages and the like is available to the general public and becomes public information. For that reason you are advised to exercise extreme caution before deciding to disclose any personal information. Users of community columns, such as Community, travel review, photo album, and member's home pages and others alike must follow acceptable standards of behavior when posting messages online. BeijingTrip.com reserves the right to, but it not obligated to, refuse or delete any content that in our sole discretion is considered inappropriate.

Your Questions and Comments

 BeijingTrip is committed to protecting your privacy. We encourage you to send us comments or questions regarding this policy. Please contact us.

BeijingTrip.com reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time without notice.